Thursday 4 June 2009


Depression is something really hard to bear but when pregnant it seems a whole lot worse. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and felling pretty good right now, But this wasn't the case a few weeks back. I wouldn't go as far to say I was really depressed but god I was somewhere close to it. As I wrote in my last post women today seem to have trouble adjusting to a changing body shape whatever the reason. Being pregnant is no exception! With this, raging hormones, tiredness and discomfort it's no surprise pregnant women become that little bit moody or sadly depressed. I have gained weight at lighting speed and hated the fact my clothing was tight. Being a person that has suffered from bloats of depression I hated felling down and luckily I snapped out of the darkness. But what happens to those woman that don't? Yes we have all heard of postnatal depression but how often do we hear about Antenatal depression? Yes it's normal to fell tired and run down, but it's not normal to be like this all the time! if you have been having trouble sleeping, been felling down, your eating habits are different and your pregnant then you could be suffering from antenatal depression making it more then likely you will develop postnatal depression so seek expect advice asap. I found that most of my first trimester I was extra tired, moody and tearful but I had good days. Now that I'm in the early stages of my second trimester I'm already felling much better.